Belmont Church Plog

  • 12:34:40 pm on May 11, 2011 | 4

    Let me tell you a story. As some of you may know, I spend my Friday afternoons with a group of international students from around the world. This is easily the best part of my work week. Not because I don’t like to serve our field workers; not because I don’t like to work with Mick but because it seems to scratch the commissional itch that Jesus produced when He said to go into all the world and share the good news.
    These students come to have coffee and practice their English and make friends. The countries represented in the last few months have been Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Germany, France, Hungary, Iraq and Korea. The story I would like to share is about one such student from Japan.
    His name is Naoki. He is full of life and energy. He’s never met a stranger.
    I met Naoki about six months ago. As an international student at TSU he would come with friends in a rental car or cab to the coffee shop to meet people. Over the time he became very close to Rob Vaughn, a member of the team at InterFACE ministries along with our own Kay Eaves. He began spending time with Rob and his family. He even started going to church with Rob which gave him questions about Rob’s faith in Jesus.
    A few weeks ago at our Friday afternoon time each student was asked to either share about their home city or to share about someone in their life who made a significant impact. Naoki shared about Rob. He said that when he came to the US he was very focussed on getting his education so that when he returned to Japan he could continue his studies, get a great job and be a very successful business man. He was focussed primarily on money and had little concern about family. He then explained that after seeing the love Rob’s family had for one another he was convinced that this way of life was superior to his own focus.
    Two Sundays ago, during communion at Rob’s church, Naoki went forward with Rob to see what communion was all about. It is there that Naoki gave his life to Jesus and took communion for the first time.
    Last Friday was Naoki’s last time with us at the coffee shop. We had a party for him and he was running around giving gifts to everyone that came. He gave me his Kimomo and he laid out a bag full of Origami for everyone else. Here’s a picture of Naoki and me before you read on.


    I asked him when he was flying out and he said his plane takes off at 7:30 AM Saturday. I then asked how he was getting to the airport and he told me, with a big naive smile, it was an adventure. I told him that wouldn’t work. I would come get him on Saturday morning and take him to the airport. The naive smile was washed away with tears as he thanked me. He couldn’t stop crying and I pulled him away from the group to talk about his tears. He told me that he didn’t know how to thank me for giving my time to make sure he made it to the airport.
    The next morning I awoke at 3 and picked him up at TSU by 4 and we headed off to the airport. I stayed with him until his bags were checked and said goodbye to my dear friend.
    My plan is to visit him in Tokyo at the end of our short term trip to Okinawa this summer to work with the Carneys. Naoki’s parents have offered me a place to stay and I will spend this time walking with him and encouraging him in his new faith. Between now and then he has a book on discipleship that I gave him which we will be studying together over skype.
    Remember to pray for Naoki. He is a new believer and living in his home country which is less than 1% Christian. The church we have set up for him to attend is in Tokyo which will be great when he gets back to school but for now will be too difficult to attend.
    This is why we do what we do. To see someone set free and KNOW the Love of God through Jesus. The changing of a Japanese heart was much easier here in the States and it didn’t cost anything more than a cup of coffee every Friday afternoon. When you think of being a fisher of men please look around and see that the “fish” are in a barrel here in the US. Love them, befriend them and see God work miraculously in their lives.
    Thank you,



  • Barbara 1:40 pm on May 11, 2011 | # | Reply

    What an exciting story! I’m so proud of you Stuart. You are a true pastor. But you go above and beyond the call. I’ll be praying for our new brother, Naoki… and thanking God for you!

  • agatha Nolen 3:49 pm on May 16, 2011 | # | Reply

    Thanks so much for your ministry. Naoki and his mother were a guest at my house for Thanksgiving where we shared a meal and fellowship. I am overcome with Joy at your story–and will pray for Naoki to deepen his discipleship daily!

  • Lynn Culver 12:28 pm on May 17, 2011 | # | Reply

    I’m sitting in the InterFACE office doing mundane work, and your story reminded me how exciting our opportunities are with international students. And how easy, too! You couldn’t have said it better. Bless you for following God’s leading to reach those who are right here!

  • Charles Parker 6:38 am on May 19, 2011 | # | Reply

    Stuart, this is a great example of how the Holy Spirit works through His people to reach the nations one by one. We rejoice in what He has done, and what you are doing. We appreciate so much our partnership with Belmont Church.

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